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Rent a car
Frequently Asked Questions:Rent a car

You have the flexibility to return the vehicle early, along as it is during office opening hours. Remember that unused days will not be refunded. 

A Vignette is required for driving on the motorways in Switzerland. 
Since 2023 it has been possible to acquire the Vignette online. As it is a totally unrelated service to OK Mobility, 
the customer must take responsibility for acquiring it if they are travelling to Switzerland.

In other countries like Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Morocco and Tunisia, for example, it may be necessary to drive with a green card indicating that it is a foreign car. Nevertheless, remember that, depending on the rental country of origin, it is not possible to travel to certain countries with our rental vehicles. To find out more details about the permitted territory, we recommend that you consult the General Conditions of the country where you are renting. 

The Law for the Sustainability of Formentera establishes a limit on the number of vehicles entering the island during the summer months. Therefore, it will not be possible to take your rental vehicle to Formentera, either from other islands or the mainland.

Fortunately, OK Mobility has an office at the port in Formentera so that if you visit the island you will be mobile during your stay.

You have the flexibility to return the vehicle to another one of our stores by calling +34 871 055 312. The cost of this service is subject to availability. 

There is nothing we like more than you using our vehicles to move from one country to another. In many of our countries you can do it without any problems, however, unfortunately there are some countries where we are currently unable to offer this option.

When you make a booking, if returning to a different country is available, it will appear as an option when selecting country and office, together with a breakdown of the additional costs. If this option is not visible, it is because we are unable to offer it.

The International supplement widens your cover when leaving your rental country’s national territory. It guarantees that you’re always covered! Don’t forget to add it to your agreement when you pick up your vehicle.

If you have a change of plans during your journey and you need to add it, call our Bookings department during office hours (Mon-Fri 8am to 10:30pm, Sat, Sun 8am to 10pm) so that they can help you. Or visit your nearest rental office.

Of course! Move when you need to but check before leaving that the country you wish to visit is within the permitted area according to your rental country, and that you have included all the applicable fees to your rental agreement to avoid any nasty surprises and to be always covered.

Within the EU you can travel to other countries but remember to check the limitations that may apply in the General Conditions of the country where you wish to rent.

Additional charges may apply when travelling to other countries. Please consult the rates in the General Conditions.

There is existing legislation relating to renting motorbikes with a B class licence. People holding a valid B class licence for more than three years are able to drive Class A1 motorbikes. The maximum cc that car drivers are able to rent is 125cc.

Under these criteria you could rent our BMA2 or BME2 categories.

At OK Mobility we love that mobility and age go hand in hand. We don’t like limiting you, but it’s true that in some countries where we operate there may be some restrictions.

You are advised to check the General Conditions of the country where you are renting. It is clearly indicated in those countries where there is a restriction.

When you rent in another country you must find out the legal driving requirements. OK Mobility must comply with what is laid out by current law, and so we will request the required documentation from you.

Within the EU and countries with a bilateral agreement, it may be sufficient to submit your National ID Document or Passport and your driving licence (all issued by the same country). Nevertheless, in other countries you are additionally required to submit the International Driving Permit (only a hard copy of the document, issued and collected in the country of origin, is valid) or sworn translations. You are advised to find out more information regarding the necessary requirements for driving in the country where you plan to visit before making your booking.

We need: Driving licence, valid ID card or passport recognised by Spanish law and a credit card in the name of the main driver.

The documents required to rent a vehicle with us are:

  • Valid National Identity Card or Passport
  • Driving licence and, if necessary, an international driving licence (depending on where you come from).
  • Credit and/or debit card (the latter subject to conditions) in the name of the main driver.

Attached you will find the requirements set out in our CCGG in section 3. Drivers:
“3. Driver(s): The lessee and additional drivers must be at least 18 years of age and must present a European identity card or passport and driving licence, both documents must be valid for the entire rental period, in physical format, legible and in good condition and accepted by Spanish law. Current driving licences of EU and EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway) citizens are accepted by law and valid for driving in Spain. Licences issued in third countries will be accepted if they comply with the requirements of Article 21 of the General Regulations for Drivers; provided that the licence is in force, the holder is of the age required in Spain to obtain an equivalent Spanish licence and that no more than six months have elapsed since the holder acquired normal residence in Spain. In all other cases, it is necessary to present an international permit together with a valid driving licence issued by the country of origin. For further information, we recommend consulting the website of the Spanish Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT): DGT - Driving licences valid for driving in Spain or contact directly the consulate in Spain of the country of issue of your licence. It is the customer's responsibility to check whether their driving licence is valid for driving in Spanish territory. Driving licences will be accepted in electronic or digital format, in the official applications, but not in photographic format or as a copy.

Yes, you can take your vehicle to France, Portugal and Andorra by taking out our OK Premium Cover International. 

It is NOT compulsory to take out cover in order to leave Spain. If the customer wishes to contract our OPC and/or CAR and wishes to extend their cover to an international level, in this case they will have the option of contracting an international supplement (INT) which will extend the cover contracted with us (OPC and/or CAR) outside Spanish territory. 

On the other hand, if the customer does not wish to contract the cover with us and prefers to block the excess and deposit, they should be aware that in the event of a "possible" accident and/or mishap with the vehicle, the customer will be responsible for the costs that this may entail.

Permitted territory: The vehicle may only be driven within the national territory, the European Union, Andorra and Gibraltar, with the exception of Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and the United Kingdom. In the event of a cross-border crossing, the lessee must take out the INTERNATIONAL Supplement (INT) so that the lessee themselves, the passengers, if any, and the vehicle itself are covered (provided that normal use is made and not contrary to traffic regulations). In any case, the lessee must be aware of the requirements and permits for driving outside the national territory, and assume the contracting thereof. The Vehicle may not be taken on board or transported by any means of transport, except with the prior written authorisation of the Lessor. Please note that some of our vehicles have geolocators and if it is detected that they have exceeded the permitted territory, it will be considered a breach of contract, and the Lessor may charge the Lessee for damages caused, immediately terminating this contract for breach of contract by the Lessee and take appropriate legal action. The cost of this service is detailed in the attached Annex.

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