The most beautiful towns and cities near Tunisia

Discover hidden gems: the most beautiful towns and cities near Tunisia.

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The towns and cities near Tunisia are where we can find Tunisia’s true charm. These areas offer a mix of picturesque scenery, rich history and vibrant culture.

1. Sidi Bou Said: a jewel in the Mediterranean Sea

Just 12 miles from the capital, Sidi Bou Said is a village that looks like something from of a postcard. Its white houses with blue doors and windows, cobblestone streets and breathtaking views of the Mediterranean Sea make it a magical place.

Strolling through its alleys is like stepping back in time, and you can't miss a visit to the Café des Nattes, famous for its mint tea and panoramic views. Sidi Bou Said is the perfect place for photography lovers and those looking for a quiet retreat near Tunisia.

A quick car journey that hides a great promise.

2. Carthage: History and Impressive Ruins

Carthage, a city with a rich history dating back centuries before the birth of Christ, is a must-see destination for archaeology and history lovers.

Located only 9 miles from Tunisia, this ancient Punic city was one of the most important Mediterranean hubs. Today, you can explore its impressive ruins, including the Baths of Antoninus, the Amphitheater and the Museum of Carthage, which houses a fascinating collection of historical artifacts.

Carthage offers an in-depth look at ancient civilizations and their impact on the region.

3. La Marsa, a perfect taste of Tunisia

La Marsa, located about 11 miles from the capital, is known for its golden sandy beaches and sophisticated atmosphere. This coastal destination is popular with locals and tourists looking to relax by the sea and enjoy a vibrant nightlife.

La Marsa's restaurants and cafes offer a mix of Tunisian and international cuisine. You can't miss the opportunity to try a cuisine as rich and unique as this one.

The use of spices is probably what makes it so aromatic, just like Moroccan food.

4. Hammamet, a coastal area brimming with culture

Hammamet, approximately 40 miles from Tunisia, is a coastal gem known for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. This tourist destination is also home to a historic medina with narrow, colorful streets, handicraft stores and unique monuments.

Hammamet Fort offers panoramic views of the city and the sea, while the Botanical Garden is an oasis of tranquility. The fact is that, like in so many other areas of the Mediterranean, these populations are unique.

5. Nabeul: a city made for ceramics

Nabeul, about 45 miles from Tunisia, is famous for its pottery and handicraft production. This charming seaside town offers vibrant markets where you can buy hand-painted pottery, carpets and jewelry.

The city is also known for the Nabeul International Festival, which celebrates local culture and traditions and attracts visitors from all over the world. When the festival is on, you will be able to take in the atmosphere and life that populates its streets.

6. Kairouan: a unique holy city in Tunisia

About 90 miles from Tunis is Kairouan, one of the holiest cities of Islam and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Founded in the year 670, the most striking and beautiful part about this city is the Great Mosque of Kairouan, one of the most important Islamic monuments in North Africa.

In addition to its rich religious history, Kairouan is famous for its traditional carpets and cakes. A stroll through its medina allows you to discover the impressive architecture and spiritual atmosphere, which attracts travelers from all over Africa. It truly offers a unique experience.

7. Dougga, for archaeology lovers

Dougga, located about 60 miles from Tunisia, is one of the most important archaeological sites in the country. This ancient Roman city is a testimony to the splendor of the Roman Empire in North Africa.

Dougga's ruins, which include theaters, temples and thermal baths, are exceptionally well preserved and offer a fascinating insight into life in ancient times.

Remember that the easiest way to complete this route is by renting a car in Tunisia with OK Mobility, as you can stop in the towns along the way and discover the natural beauty of the surrounding areas.

In short, the towns and cities near Tunisia will help you to get to know this special place.

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