Why is leasing an interesting option for private individuals?

Leasing for private individuals, we explain all that this car rental model offers, as well as its benefits.

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Discover why private leasing for individuals is a growing trend. The main advantages are explained below:

1. Initial cost savings

When you buy a car, whether new or second-hand, you generally need to make a significant down payment. With leasing, on the other hand, there is no need for such a large down payment. You just have to pay a monthly fee that includes almost all vehicle-related costs.

This model offers you access to a new car without having to shell out a large amount of money all at once. What’s more, by not having to worry about depreciation, your investment is more controlled and predictable.

2. Everything is included in a single installment

By paying a monthly fee, you will have a wide range of services available to you that you would otherwise have to manage and pay for separately. Among these services are:

  • Fully comprehensive insurance: you won’t have to worry about searching and comparing insurance companies, nor about the annual increase in premiums. With leasing, comprehensive insurance is included in your monthly payment.
  • Maintenance and servicing: all periodic maintenance and servicing of the vehicle is covered. This includes oil changes, general checks, and any necessary repairs.
  • Roadside assistance: if you get stranded in the middle of the road, you won't have to worry, as roadside assistance is included. This provides additional peace of mind in case of an emergency.
  • Taxes and fees: Road tax and other administrative fees are also covered in the leasing fee. This saves you time and avoids any additional worries.

3. Flexibility to change cars

Leasing contracts tend to have a duration of between 2 and 5 years. At the end of the contract, you can choose to renew the lease and switch to a new car, or simply return the car without having to worry about selling it or negotiating a resale price.

This flexibility is especially interesting if you like the feeling of always having a new car or if your mobility needs change over time. For example, if you have a growing family and need a larger car, you can easily adapt your contract terms without having to deal with the process of selling your current vehicle.

4. Access to the latest technologies

In a world where technology is advancing rapidly, it is natural to want to benefit from the latest innovations in vehicle safety, efficiency and comfort. When leasing a car, you can drive a new car every few years, allowing you to enjoy the latest tech without having to buy a new vehicle every time.

Modern cars come equipped with a wide range of advanced technologies, from driver assistance systems to energy efficiency improvements, such as hybrid or electric engines. If you choose to lease, you can enjoy these technological advances without the long-term commitment of buying a new car.

5. Control over monthly expenses

One of the most common concerns when purchasing a vehicle is the unpredictability of the associated costs. If you lease, you have the peace of mind of knowing that your monthly expenses are fixed and predictable. The monthly fee includes virtually all the costs associated with the vehicle, allowing you to have clearer control over your budget.

By not having to worry about unforeseen expenses like breakdowns or insurance price increases, you can plan your personal finances with greater peace of mind. This financial stability is one of the factors that makes leasing an attractive option for many private individuals.

6. Fewer depreciation concerns

From the moment you drive a new car out of the dealership, its value begins to decrease. Over the years, this depreciation can be considerable, especially if you decide to sell the car after several years of use.

When you lease a car, depreciation is no longer your problem. At the end of the contract, simply return the car and, if you wish to, you can start a new contract with a different vehicle. This model removes the worries associated with the car losing its value over time.

7. Ability to test different brands and models

Leasing also gives you the opportunity to test out different makes and models of cars without the long-term commitment associated with a purchase. If you are not sure which car best suits your needs, leasing allows you to experiment with different options over the years.

If you would like to try leasing for private individuals from OK Mobility, just contact us. We are waiting for you!

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