Charming places near A Coruña

Places near A Coruña with charm, here is a list with the must-see stops for your trip to Galicia.

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If you are traveling to Galicia and you are staying in the capital of A Coruña, you will certainly want to discover places near A Coruña. Here is a list of some natural paradises you simply can't miss.

Places near A Coruña you can reach by car

There are natural, historical and, of course, urban destinations.

Fragas do Eume

This is undoubtedly one of the hidden natural wonders of Galicia. This forest that accompanies the Eume River to a monastery is formed by vegetation that has been there for thousands of years.

A “fraga” is an area in which nature has not been contaminated by invasive species. A completely natural bastion that you can visit either by car or on foot. Both experiences are awe-inspiring, and you are sure to love them.


Ponte Maceira

This is a very interesting route: a trip by car from A Coruña to Santiago de Compostela, ending in Ponte Maceira. This small village has a special charm. Surrounded by trees, with historic buildings and a beautiful Roman bridge, it is an excellent place to soak your feet.

In fact, one of the famous stages of the Camino de Santiago passes through this area. So you will find a number of pilgrims stopping to enjoy such a beautiful village and to rest from their long walk. You will love it.

The estuary of Caión

This small fishing port is a perfect example of how Galicia is not all about the Rías Baixas. The Rías Altas also have a lot to offer, and a particularly particular charm.

The town of Caión is one of the most traditional and typical Galician seafaring enclaves, so you can come and enjoy some delicious seafood dishes. In addition, if you plan a trip by car, you can visit the lighthouses in the area, a route that is always a winner.

The Ortigueira region, places not to be missed near A Coruña

Near Ferrol you can find one of the most interesting spots in Galicia: Cape Ortegal. In addition, thewhole Ortigueira region has a totally unique natural beauty. Almost at the border with the province of Lugo, you can visit the cliffs of Loiba.

Throughout this area, natural parks, rugged mountains and areas exposed to a furious and wild Atlantic abound. This is a route with a host of areas to explore.

Razo beach

Near Carballo, one of the largest towns in the province, is a mile-long beach that attracts surfers from all over the world. In this strip of land and sea you will have the perfect place to go in summer, if you feel like planning this trip as a family experience.

What’s more, the rest of the year it is a wild enclave, full of vegetation and nature and with a very pleasant atmosphere. We also recommend trying out some of the restaurants in the area, or taking a walk on the beach in winter.

Places near A Coruña around the estuary

Oleiros, Bastiagueiro and Santa Cristina are some of the many points that surround A Coruña, creating an urban landscape that is deeply intertwined with nature. It is very interesting to see a port city like A Coruña from different angles. In addition, if you go in summer you will be able to enjoy some paradisiacal beaches.

The whole area is also host to an endless number of high-quality restaurants, and places full of personality. Therefore, you will be able to discover a modern Galicia up close. You will only need a car to be able to move from one place to another in total comfort.

Sanctuary of the Virgen de la Barca

Located in Muxía, this is one of the many altars by the sea. It has a spectacular strength, as it is located at the small end of a cliff, facing the Atlantic. What’s more, the whole area is dotted with beaches and villages that you can't miss.

It is also a good example of Galician art, closely related to the Catholic world and with that dark and cold tone of the stones, facing a wild ocean. Nearby is the lighthouse of Muxía, one of the many points of contact between urban areas and the sea that await you here. Of course, you need to wrap up warm, because the wind blows hard.

With this list of 7 places near A Coruña you and those closest to you can embark on a particularly interesting excursion. Seeing everything from those wilder spots to many more urban ones. A perfect mix between sea and land that you will love. Are you in? Rent your car in A Coruña with OK Mobility and we'll help you get where you want to go!

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